Health, Safety, & Environment and Quality
Pro-Dive Marine Services is committed to the provision of a safe working environment for the Company's employees, sub-contractors and others affected by it operations. Safety is a line management responsibility, and supervisory staff at all levels are responsible to conduct operations such that the health, safety and welfare of employees in their care is ensured at all times.
Care for the individual needs to be extended to care for the environment, and accordingly, the Company's
operations will be conducted to minimize ecological damages to the environment so far as it reasonably practical. Wherever possible, materials used in support of the Company's business shall be those which present the least risk to the health of personnel and the ecology of the environment, at the same time adequately and safety fulfilling the needs of the tasks being performed.
It is this safety-orientated philosophy that has prompted us to register our Safety Management Systems with both the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety Association, Nova Scotia Construction Safety Association and ISNetworld.
Pro-Dive Marine Services was formed with the primary goal of providing the highest quality ROV, diving and subsea services to its oil and gas industry customers. With the emergence of the east-coast oil and gas industry, Pro-Dive recognized the need to be internationally certified with respect to its Quality Management System.
Pro-Dive Marine Services Quality Management System is compliant to the ISO 9002 quality standard. The Quality Management System has been successfully audited to the ISO 9001:2008 international standard repetitively since 1997. Pro-Dive conducts its business in accordance with this established system; this confirms Pro-Dive's commitment to quality and its commitment to becoming Atlantic Canada's premier subsea services provider.
Pro-Dive Marine Services operations encompass the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) guidelines in both the diving and ROV categories and have been previously audited to IMCA for membership.
Our Certifications and Memberships
For more information on how we can provide a solution to your requirements, you can get in touch with us via the information on our contact page.